Significance of court ratified agreement between parents in determining a minor’s habitual residence under the 1980 Hague Abduction Convention
Amicus brief-Portugal Appellate Court, war zone defense
.Appellate Court overturned decision denying a petition for the return of an abducted minor to Israel due to the war zone defense under Art. 13b of the Hague Abduction Convention
Amicus Curiae brief filed in Court of Appeals England re: 1996 Hague Convention on protection of children
The issue at hand is whether under the 1996 Hague Convention On Children’s Matters the court is seized at the time of filing or at the time of the hearing.
Amicus Curiae brief submitted by the IAFL- U.S. Supreme Court
U.S. Supreme Court- must a court hearing a Hague Convention abduction case consider ameliorative measures when grave risk has been found
Supplemental brief, UKSC, G. v G
Supplemental brief in response to questions of the UKSC, G v.G
Amicus Brief, U.K. Supreme Court, G v. G
Interplay between the Hague Abduction Convention and Asylum status
Amicus Brief – U.S. Supreme Court: Taglieri vs Monasky
Amicus Brief filed on behalf of the International Academy of Family Lawyers regarding the definition of habitual residence under the Hague Abduction Convention
Amicus Brief – Calixto v. Lesmes, U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Cir.
.Habitual residence – Conditional relocation was limited to one year period
Cahue v. Martinez – Amicus Brief
Amicus Curiae brief filed in the U.S. Supreme Court regarding a Hague Abduction Conventioncase. Issues raised are habitual residence
.minor child and custodial rights of unmarried fathers
IAML Amicus Brief -In the Matter of AR
Amicus Brief filed in the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom regarding the definition of habitual residence in Hague Abduction cases